Thursday, September 19, 2024

An Overdue Update

 Well, folks (mighty uppity to assume the plural there, I know), it's been a while. It's not that I've gotten lazy, at least not completely. Since the last posting here in February, I've completed and posted to YouTube another 13 pieces -- 5 each for piano and string quartet, plus something for organ, a woodwind quartet and a brass quintet -- and am about to post yet another piano piece, bringing the 2024 total to 17, crushing my goal of 12 in a calendar year. And that's with spending a lot of time on another new orchestral piece that is progressing nicely and might be done by the end of the year. I guess I've been focusing more on the writing than on documenting them -- and who, besides me, is really interested in these descriptions, anyway?

I'll try to get caught up on things here, but in the meantime, check out the Glornt channel on YouTube for the recent stuff. I particularly like the brass and the woodwind piece now, probably because I do a lot less of that. I would worry about running out of ideas, but I have at least 25 more pieces in progress that I consider usable and about 2-3 times that in lesser conditions (sometimes I just need to revisit these in the right frame of mind to get them into the "usable" category), plus some ideas that haven't made it into scores yet, so the well isn't running dry any time soon.

Meanwhile, here's a thought: Do fawns ever notice their white spots, then see that neither of their parents have them, and start to wonder if they're adopted? Probably only the really smart ones.

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